Francs Personal

Francs Personal

My own group

franc simari added an article Method for Sponge Cage

Method for Sponge Cage

Pan di Spagna (Italian sponge cake) is a simple, airy sponge cake flavored with vanilla or lemon zest. It’s made with only 3 ingredients: eggs, sugar and flour…no baking powder, no butter, and no oil!

Italian sponge cake is used in desserts like cassata, zuccotto, zuppa inglese and tiramisù. It can be soaked with your favorite mixture and layered with cream fillings, covered with fondant, or just eaten on its own, sprinkled with icing sugar.


franc simari added an article Pan di Spagna (Sponge Cake)

Pan di Spagna (Sponge Cake)


Pan di Spagna (Italian sponge cake) is a simple, airy sponge cake flavored with vanilla or lemon zest. It’s made with only 3 ingredients: eggs, sugar and flour…no baking powder, no butter, and no oil!

Italian sponge cake - Pan di Spagna

Italian sponge cake is used in desserts like cassata, zuccotto, zuppa inglese and tiramisù. It can be soaked with your favorite mixture and layered with cream fillings, covered with fondant, or just eaten on its own, sprinkled with icing sugar.



franc simari added an article Chili

<p><b>Chili</b></p><img src="/Portals/0/EasyDNNNews/213/150150p10EDNthumb213Blizzard_Chili.jpg" width='150' class='jphoto' style='float:left;padding-right:8px; padding-bottom:5px;'/><p><p>This morning, it was 7:00AM and there was just a dusting on the ground. I decided to go to the market and get the missing ingredients I needed to make chili.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Perfect day for cooking, working and tasting.&nbsp;</p>
<p>I made chili and a box cake. Yes a Krispy Kreme box cake with chocolate flavored doughnut glaze.&nbsp;</p>
<p>What's for dinner? Chili, Cake and Tums.&nbsp;</p>
<p>As for the chili, a pretty strait forward recipe. All in the details.</p></p>


franc simaricreated the group Franc Simari Personal

My own group
