Please note
Please contact us if you are business and would like an online shop where you can show and sell your goods and services in a mall like environment. No upfront fees, you only pay a small fee if you value our services. Example, 5-7% options as you become established and selling more.
Meanwhile, feel free to post your business. Each business will help other nearby businesses get found. We call this People Powered Search Engine.
One Munite Website
Cominng soon is The One Minute Website, a new technology and methodology that allows the publishing of content you want people to see simoultaneously in multiple venues.
From this website, you can sell and buy, share your calendar and others share theirs, use your website as if it is a browser, you'll never see unwanted email and can get notified for the most important ones, talk to your friends, it's social,
Most importantly, your website will always be search engine optimized and people powered
Your website will help you generate real income, and we only make money when make many
The neighborhood shops are coming back
People are missing the touch and feel before they buy, want to buy online even from your neighborood shops? you can, but you will have the option for pickup or delivery.
Large online shops are setting shops in local malls, to have people touch and feel, and minimize the returns costs
Most of what you can buy on Amazon and like venues you can buy directly from China, wait a little longer and save over 60%.
Shipping will get more expensive and as most are realizing free delivery was never free.