Media Fiddling
Created by Oscar Patino-Bueno on 6/8/2017 7:54:48 AM

The MSM Misinforms

While our MSM fiddles with nonsensical Russian conspiracies of interference in our elections, they neglect to inform our citizenry of international events that will affect us directly.  North Korea’s Fat Boy threatens our annihilation even if one bullet strays into his territory.  Russia is fortifying and amassing troops and missiles in Kaliningrad in response to NATO’s troop buildup and doing much of the same in the Crimea.  Putin has asked the Russian people and Air Force to prepare for a national emergency, Merkel has done the same in Germany, so have the Swedes.  While Trump advocates for better relations with Russia in his tweets, the MSM beats the drums of war at the behest of its six Globalist corporations that control 90% of all media in the US.   Our commitment to send more troops to Iraq and  Syria in an attempt to destroy Obama’s and Clinton’s creation –ISIS is a clear indication that we continue to be in an undeclared war.  The MSN believes that Trump and Putin are evil, only Hillary had the sufficient preparation, purity and acumen to be our president; Benghazi, the sale of 20% of our uranium to Russiathe illegal server and the untimely and convenient death of so many of the Clintons’ associates notwithstanding.  It appears that we are marching into a global conflict blissfully unaware and unprepared.  At least Merkel, Putin and the Swedes had the courtesy to ask their people to prepare for an emergency.  Our MSM and government are mum on the subject of civil preparation for our Nation.


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